Erezi R. Ogbo, PhD – Short Bio

Erezi Ogbo is an Assistant Professor of Information Science and the Director of Extended Studies at North Carolina Central University (NCCU) in the School of Library and Information Science. Previously, she was a postdoctoral research associate at the University of Southern California. Her research studies the digital divides, user acceptance of technology, and technology’s impact among marginalized populations. Erezi has received numerous awards for her work including theCharles Benton Early Career Scholar Award (2022) by the Benton Institute in partnership with the Research Conference on Communications, Information, and Internet Policy (TPRC), the Young Scholar Award (2022) by the Pacific Telecommunications Council, and the Robert Dunlap Award by the Department of Engineering and Public Policy at Carnegie Mellon University. In 2014, Erezi was recognized as a promising young scholar by the Federal Government of Nigeria and awarded the Presidential Special Scholarship for Innovation and Development. Erezi earned her PhD in Engineering and Public Policy at Carnegie Mellon University, and also holds degrees from the University of St Andrews, Scotland and Bells University of Technology, Nigeria.